Bleurgh and, also, Woo Hoo.

Woke up at 7am in a vat of sweat yesterday.  Called in sick to work, put my head back down on the pillow and the next I knew it was 13.00pm. That never happens.

Thankfully, when I woke up I felt miles better, so worked from home in my pyjamas for the rest of the day.

The downside to this is that I was meant to start my marathon training properly yesterday. I'm daft, but even I know that running when you're run down, is an exceptionally bad idea.

So, after a day in the office,  I set out (in the wind and rain) to clock between 35-40 minutes of continuous running. 


I managed 3.41 miles in 35.02 minutes. I genuinely think I could have gone further, had I not forgotten my gloves and been risking frost bite to my fingers.

They're all miles in the bag, though. Plus, didn't kill me. Bonus, eh?



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