The 0545 am alarm

50 minutes:

It was set with the best of best intentions. After Tuesday's horrible lunchtime experience, I thought I'd try something different. Get my arse out of bed and get out the door. Have all the training done before I even get showered and dressed for work. I had all my kit set out and ready to go, so I didn't even have to think about it in the morning.

An excellent plan, that. Some may even go so far as to say a "cunning plan".

I congratulated myself on my genius and waddled off to bed with a cup of peppermint tea and my copy of "I'm Not With the Band: A Writer's Life Lost in Music" by Sylvia Patterson, which is absolutely brilliant.

The plan was almost fool-proof. However, I had not factored in a high enough 'fool" quotient. Because ass-hat here switched the alarm off in her sleep - clever huh? - and then proceeded to sleep through till 7.15am, when the proper alarm went off.

Needless to say, I was less than pleased. Although secretly impressed that "asleep" me managed to outwit "awake" me.

So, that left me with two options: lunchtime; or night time. I've always been a big fan of Kylie, so I went with the devil I knew.

Overall, it was ok. I definitely was more sensible about my food intake pre-run this time, as I didn't experience the light headedness or nausea - Bonus XP for me.  The run itself was alright, 4.92 miles in 50 minutes. For some unknown reason I was pissed off I didn't make it 5 miles in 50 minutes. My OCD can go do one right now.

I did, however, get lapped by a guy running in what looked like black leather sandals.  That was a definite low point. Oh, and there was a guy on an elastic high wire...thing. Kept thinking how much more fun that would be...

The one thing which I learned today, is that the "longer" runs are so much easier when I've got a podcast or audiobook to listen to. Might as well try and learn stuff whilst I'm out there. Today it was "The Mystery of the Marie Celeste" by Stuff You Should Know and I thoroughly recommend it.




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