So, I've been a bit shit...

Massive confession: I've been a real lazy shite this week in terms of blog record keeping.  But most importantly, I haven't been lazy in training.

So I'm shit, but not totally shit.

Following on from the "big run round the fucking big hill" last Saturday, I was pretty knackered. More worryingly, my calves were killing me: really tight and twinging when I walked, regardless of how much stretching and foam rolling I did.

That's what led me to the swimming pool on Sunday. I really really really dislike swimming. Mainly because I'm so utterly rubbish at it. However I found that after 20 minutes of laps and a good ten minutes in the sauna, I felt miles better.

I've also been trying to increase the amount of conditioning and stretching work I've been doing, so I'm becoming a regular face at the 0630 Tribe Yoga classes. Not only have I found that it's helping with my overall flexibility, it's really good for setting me up for the rest of the day at work. Plus they have awesome shampoo, conditioner, body wash and hairdryers (which my work does not) which make it so much easier to get ready for the office in the morning!

The rest of the week was rather lovely, mainly as my partner came up to visit from Sunday afternoon till Wednesday.

Training consisted of:

1 x 65minutes on Tuesday; and
1 x 40 Minutes on Wednesday.

Today, was long run day so James and I made the decision to go out at 0730 to get it over and done with. 2 hours was the target and given that James was at a boozy dinner party the night before, I suspected that a 0730 kick off may prove to be somewhat ambitious.  I was wrong.

Such a lovely route along the Portabello promenade out to Musselburgh. Especially early morning when you can watch the sun rise.

The clouds looked so ominous, but thankfully the rain stayed off. There was a pretty vicious head wind in places though. Talk about 1 step forward and 3 steps back.

The drill towers next to Ocean Terminal are a comforting sight on the horizon. The closer you get to them, they closer I get to home and to a hot bath!

All in all, I'm really happy with that and I genuinely felt that I could have gone further.

That's a good thing, in all honesty, as next weekend, it's time for 13.1 miles.

And I'm shitting myself about it.


Now Playing

Haven't really been listening to anything during training this week, because I've been running with James.  However I have been listening to loads of stuff throughout the week and can thoroughly recommend the following:

Seazoo - "Trunks"

Hookworms - "Microshift" 

Ezra Furman - "Transangelic Exodus"


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