22 Miles - North Berwick to Edinburgh. I'm not going to lie, I was hugely apprehensive about this run. Not because of the distance, last weekend I ran 20 miles, an extra 2 on top of that shouldn't make a great deal of difference. I mean, running 20 miles is horrible, but once you resign yourself to that inexorable truth, adding another 2 miles of horribleness shouldn't really make much difference. My apprehension stems from the somewhat OCD nature of my training. It's not news to anyone who knows me well that I like "a plan" - I am definitely my father's daughter in that regard. I need structure and order in my life, that has morphed into a completely different beast since I started marathon training. I need to plan my route. I need to know where I'm going. I need to know what the contingencies will be if something goes wrong. This is not a route I have chosen and it's not one I have run before. I also know that it's the Fox Trail J...